... to love the LORD your God and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul - Deuteronomy 11:13b
This year's musical was a challenge for me. I have been involved in musicals for more than 20 years. From being in the choir to working backstage, I've never had much of a problem with anything I was asked to do.
It was very different this time. There were many challenges and stressed-related headaches. At first, I thought it would be a breeze. I could even picture the whole stage and the different scenes during my first discussion with a few key people.
The time came when I had to do a mock-up of the stage. It was a simple design but I remember taking five whole days just making the stage model.
End October came and Bro Pang had to start working on the construction of the stage. There were many calls flying back and forth. I had to revise my drawing plans 3 times because of the budget. Finally, after my 4th floor plan, the construction began.
Mid November came around and I had to start dressing the stage. I remember telling Eunice that I wished it were December 1st because that was when the stage would be completed. I absolutely had no idea if what I had in mind was going to work or not. I depended a lot on the play of lights but that didn't come in until one week before the Musical.
I gathered many volunteers to help me. And I prayed A LOT. I really couldn't do it with my own strength and creativity. I needed God to help me.
Well, two weeks went by so quickly. I was stressed and I'm sure I "barked" and offended many people. Things got done. We had to repaint most of the stage because I wasn't satisfied with it. There were lots of murmurs.
We spent 160 hours on the "heavenly" background. Once again, there were lots of murmurs. Seven people helped sew sequins onto several huge cloths. I would say that it was worth it.
I guess I would say that November was my most stressful month of the year. On the positive side, I felt God's hand upon me and I know for sure that it was a way of God wanting to extend my creativity and expanding my boundaries.
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