Whenever there was a Magi scene when we were doing any Musical Dramas, both mum and I would crack our heads trying to figure out how to make a bigger baby. Yes, we know that at that time, baby Jesus would've had been at the age of two but it was always difficult to get a 2 year old to come for all our practices. Hence the need for a bigger "fake" baby.
We thought of buying a huge doll from Toys"r"us but didn't want to spend unnecesarily. We got Tusi to help out by sewing the pillow into shape.
Last week, mum walked past me, passed me a plastic bag and said, "I found baby Jesus". Not knowing exactly what she was talking about, I took a peek into the plastic bag.

I found a 2 foot tall doll staring up at me.
Perfect for next year's drama. :)