It was not our first time multiplying. The first was in March 2005. BKYC was birthed then.
From that time YCYC had grown in numbers. The last 2 years, attendance had been great. An ideal size would be 8 and we had an average of 25 faithful members. It was time to multiply. We were sad to be separated from people whom we see every Friday but we knew that the time has come for us to multiply in order for growth to take place. Our last cell as a big group was on March 28th, 2008 (sob! Sob!)
You don't see 25 people in this picture. That's because many had some other functions to attend. Maybe they just didn't want to be confronted with a tearful "goodbye". Whatever their reasons were, the rest of us came, feeling somber.
Our ice breaker was : How we can contribute towards our cell group and what we want to see happen in our cell every Friday.
Many of us wants to see growth in our cell. Personally, I would like to see more contribution in terms of speaking out during discussion and taking the initiative to do something.

On April 4th, our first cell as a smaller group, 14 of us turned up - still a pretty large group. Guess what? We discovered that all the "talented" and musically inclined people have gone to the MRYC group and we were left with ... singing accapella. Well, Dixie did help play the piano at one point.
Our icebreaker was : Describe yourself with the initial of your name and name a movie with that initial.
Below are the description of ourselves:-
Funky Fiona
Diligent Dino
Exciting Esther
Smiling Sze-En
Reliable Rachel
Charming Charlene
Simple Shannon
Victorious Vanessa
Elegant Elaine
Disgusting Dixie
Rivetting Rajen
Sensitive Seok Qing
Luxurious Larissa
Luxurious Larissa
Knowledgeable Katherine
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