The construction of the stage was completed (err... actually there are a few more loose ends that needed to be tied up) on Saturday (November 15th), much to the delight of Frankie, who's helping me with the supervision of the construction fo the stage. He said that he couldn't sleep for 2 weeks because he was worried about the stage.
The stage definitely looks bigger than last year - and it is, too. P. Ben said that we are "reclaiming" more space from the congregation area. :)
We used last year's painting backdrop of the cross scene. From the arrow, you can tell that there is one part which is not painted. This is a mystery that caused the 3 accidents to happen. Sharon, Eunice and I remembered saving all the 6 pieces of painted plywood and keeping them in the cabin.
Last week, Frankie could only find 4 pieces. He searched the cabin twice. Once, when he was painstakingly leafing through the plywood, the whole stack fell on him. Because of the weight and size of the plywood, the fall was hard. :(
A few days after that, I got Eunice to look for it, after all, she was also certain that we kept all the painted plywood. Guess what? The plywood fell on her, too. :(
Yesterday, while taking out the props from the cabin, Sharon and I couldn't resist looking for it for one last time. I was holding on to one end of the very heavy pieces of plywood, when suddenly everything fell .... I heard a loud thud. The next thing I knew, I saw Sharon being tossed onto the ground and all the plywood was on her. I saw her covering her face and feared the worst. Sharon kept asking me if he skull was cracked but all I saw was the ugly bruise and the begining of a swell. She cheered up after I told her that she didn't need stitches. The knock was hard enough to cause her to be dizzy for an hour or so.
In the end, the missing pieces could not be found and we had to resign ourselves to looking for the right colour to paint that small portion.

Above - one of the scenes from yesterday's practice.
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