Well, what can I say? I've looked forward to this day for months - the 4th day allocated for dressing up the stage. It had been a very tiring 2 weeks for my team and I. We started off very fast and even on the 1st day itself, the stage looked almost completed.
Now, after 4 days of hard work, there are still lots to be done :( ... especially on the props side. As for the stage, I can say that I'm pretty happy with the results.
What I did mostly was to 'supervise' and see to it that the work was done correctly. I must say, it was really more tiring supervising than doing the actual work. Tables needed to be brought from one place to another, paint and brushes needed to be placed at different "stations", measurements needed to be done, etc, etc, etc.

Today, the curtains for the heavenly scene were put up. It's really very high up and we hired two people just to do that. While I made sure they placed the curtains on the correct panels, the others were busy painting at the education block.
I was so busy running from one end to another that I didn't have the time to eat my lunch. I did grab some goreng pisang, though. Yummy!!! Aunty Sally cooked Nasi Goreng Indonesia and mum (Tusi, actually) cooked mee hoon Siam and goreng pisang.
We were also helping Aunty Chris with her VBA decoration. We attempted to make a tree using chicken coop net and newspaper. Our base was not strong enough and the tree kept toppling over. Also, the starch didn't dry well as it was a pretty cloudy day today. There was so much frustration just keeping the tree still and pasting the branches and leaves onto it. We almost gave up when dad, as usual, saved the tree. He made a solid base using wood and slid the tree over it. It stood firm!
By that time, the leaves and branches had fallen off and we had to redo the tree. Because the tree was firm, we were able to paste the necessary onto it without much problems. (I used the word "we" very loosely because I didn't really help a lot due to my running back and forth)
We ended quite late today - about 5.30pm. We were all so tired. I felt aches and pains on every part of my body. All I wanted to do was to go home and sleep, but I didn't because I had to go into town to pick up my photo (to renew my driver's license), fetch Eunice back and fetch Tusi over.
As I am typing, my mind is working overtime (hmmm... maybe it's shutting down; I can't tell the difference). I still need to get a lot of things done for the props part. And gosh!!! I was supposed to email FC on the colours for lighting - I'm not even half done. I'm just so physically drained that it is affecting my mental state of health. I can't think anymore. Plus .... my bed is calling me ........ and my answer ... Here I am, take me!
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