Yesterday we dressed up the stage again. This time, we accomplished a lot - painting those missing parts, the door frame, the door, making more water goblets, painting the rock and making clouds. From past experience, I know that lining the edge of tier 3 with fibre is not an easy task. Last year, we took almost a day to complete it. I guess this time, we're smarter and didn't use glue to stick the fibre onto the netting. I remember last year, the glue didn't dry and some turned into fungus - yucky!!!

Mum cooked porridge and made egg and sardin sandwiches. JoelC, who said that he doesn't eat porridge, was one of the first ones who helped himself to the porridge. He knows that mum's porridge received church-wide popularity. Others, who earlier on had plans to go to MacDonalds, also ate the porridge.
But alas! Mum thought that I was bringing the styrofoam bowls and I thought that she was bringing them. So what we did was to use styrofoam cups but even as we were about to eat, YChan sauntered past us carrying 200 syrofoam bowls. We honestly thought that she knew about our eating difficulty and decided to whisk up some bowls for us. We called out to her asking for bowls but she was lost in her thoughts and didn't hear us.
Finally, we walked up to her and asked for the bowls. We discovered that she bought them for the coming VBA and she allowed us to "borrow" 13 bowls.. which must be returned before VBA starts.
Wow!! All I was thinking was ... we needed bowls and God provided them. It was like a miracle happening in front of our very own eyes!! Thank God!!!

There were a lot of rest time but we manage to finish with the stage dressing at 4pm. There was nothing much left to do except for the tomb scene as I needed FrankieY's help in doing the sliding door. FrankieY has been a GREAT help to me during the construction of the Stage. He said that he couldn't sleep for two whole weeks when the stage was under construction.

Now, as I look at the end results of Day 2 of the Stage Dressing, I am happy and glad that we have accomplished a lot in just 2 days. Thank God for youths who brighten the two days up by sharing jokes, teasing one another and behaving like normal youths, singing out of tune songs and helping out in many ways.

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