I was on leave one Friday and was at my parents' place together with Eunice, having lunch. En came back from school at 12.30pm and was surprised to see me there, in my "normal" clothes (as opposed to my working clothes).

Later we were out at the living room talking when suddenly, En walked in with a black cowboy hat and a Mickey Mouse blanket which acted as a cape..... and like her mother, commanded attention from all of us.
She transformed into a magician, all set to perform her magic show. We laughed because she had that cartoon accent while performing her tricks.
I'd say that she would turn out to be someone who's very confident about her ability to capture and hold people's attention. Her public speaking skills are excellent and she is not shy at all. In fact, she craves the limelight and attention - which is really unlike any other Chinese-educated person her age.
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