Guess what? We celebrated my grandmother's 90th birthday AGAIN. Last year, most of her children and their children and their children's children came over for the big Nine Zero celebration.
When my mum told me that my grandmother turns 90 this year, I was puzzled. She gave a simple explanation that they miscalculated last year. Later I found out that the Chinese always add a year to their actual birthday.
Not everyone can live up to a ripe old age of ninety, what more in good health. My grandmother hasn't seen a doctor for years. In fact, I don't even remember when she last saw the doctor. She walks very slowly now but apart from that, she is very healthy.
I remember about 1.5 years ago, she was all set to go out to town with Tusi. It was a good thing I went to my mum's place at that time. She used to be so independant, walking all over Seremban town, taking the bus, visiting her friends and even going up to Genting (secretly) with her friends.
Now, she is confined to the house because we don't think she can walk for too long without feeling tired.
She not only is healthy, she looked healthy. Eunice just recently pointed out to me that my grandmother has very nice and smooth skin and her complexion is great. She doesn't have any pigmentation on her skin at all.
My mum thinks it's because of all the chinese herbs she (granny) took when she was younger, which is true. I remember when Esther gave birth to En, my grandmother would preserve some herbs and asked Esther to drink it so that she would recover fast and that she would not have any side effects in her old age. and my dear granny is the living proof that these herbs go a long way. She gave birth to 15 children ... so she ought to know.

Coming back to the topic, we went to Regent for dinner. Eunice and I bought her a very small cake (which only cost us RM16) because we figured that no one will be able to eat anything more after such a heavy meal .... and we were right.

One for the album. The Tan family and their spouses, En and Tusi.
1 comment:
WoW... 90 years old!!!!!
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