Do you remember, in the days of Abraham, when the blue and white Japanese slippers which cost RM2.90 are a norm and those RM8.00 Bata slippers are considered a luxury?
The strap of one of my slippers broke 2 weeks back and I had been using my climb sandals as a temporary replacement.
Last week, I walked into a Bata shoe shop, thinking of getting a reasonably cheap pair of slippers. I couldn't find any that are comfortable and settled on this :-

And guess how much this pair cost me?

Is that expensive or is that expensive?????
I was shocked at the outrageous price on what looked like a colored version of a pair of Japanese slippers.
A few days after that extremely painful purchase, I found this in the same shopping mall, but different outlet :-

yup, you over paid. Japanese slippers tend to be slipppery, so are not exactly safe to be on the safe side, it is better to have slippers with a good grip.
hey, i think the price difference is the material used. Moreover, one always pay for 'brand'...
Aunty Chris, Bata is not exactly "Nike" where one pays more for the brand than for the item itself
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