Have you ever wondered if you'd ever get to be 90 years old? And if you did, how will you look like? How strong will you be? Will you be healthy?
My paternal grandmother turned 90 today (well, actually she's only 89 years old but Chinese always add a year because life begins at the point of conception). She looks frail, but she can still walk - V.E.R.Y slowly. But at least she's mobile. She's very healthy and hasn't seen the doctor for years.
So, what's the secret, you ask?
I thought about it and came to the conclusion that giving birth to 15 children has moulded and shaped her into someone strong and tough. The rough years of seeing her young children fight and shouting at them all the time, holding one child's hand while feeding another and at the same time soothing a 3rd child and watching out for the rest of her brood, making the Ringgit stretch to cater for so many mouths - all these contribute to her being who she is in the present, a lady who despite the difficult times, was able to overcome all circumstances, including going through World War 2, and came out victorious.

In the above picture, you will see that she has done what the LORD commanded in Genesis 9:7 - Be ye fruitful and multiply. And indeed, she has done her share of labour where that verse is concerned. There were just so many people at her birthday party.
.Dinner was set at 5pm (so early!!!!!). I went to my mum's place 1.5 hours late. I felt as though I walked into the wrong house!!! I couldn't recognise 90% of the people there. I guess that really showed how much (or in this case, how little) we kept in touch with each other.
.Ha! Just a thought! I wonder if she recognises every one of her descendants??? Maybe I should do a family tree chart and see who is who in this huge family...
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