One Sunday (April 20th, 2008), Pastor Ben preached on how we can help each other to grow spiritually. In the middle of his sermon, he showed a short video clip of a man who held up a sign stating "Free Hugs". First few seconds of the video showed that no one bothered him. Some gave him a wierd look. Others stiffled a giggle. Finally, an elderly lady stopped in front of him, read the sign, smiled and gave him a hug. A few seconds later, another came for a hug. And then another ... and then another .. and then another.
This tells me that sometimes there are people out there who need a hug to light up their gloomy day. Or maybe to reassure them that someone still cares.
According to Pastor Ben, many countries are practising this and Malaysia is not one of them. His question to us was : Who will be the first person to start giving free hugs in Malaysia?
.So, right before service ended, Dr Yeow found a cardboard and on it wrote "Free Hugs". When service ended and people were pouring out of the sanctuary, Dr Yeow held up the cardboard. Voon Fui gave him the first hug .... and the hugging began. The card board was passed around and many people gave/received hugs that morning. :)
So sweet....I also want!!!
Go start a "Free Hugs" in HK
Hazel, you get lots from Paul. You won't believe it, I was not there to receive any...either I was teaching or I was stuck at the Friendship Corner....sigh...I also want!!!!
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