Monday, May 19, 2008

Cat and Dog Theology

What is this "Cat & Dog Theology" all about?

We had a 2-day (actually, it's only a 5 hour session in total) seminar on how different a cat and a dog behaves, reacts, etc. Pastor George Ong, a Singaporean speaker very much in demand, cleared time in his heavy schedule to tell us all about cats and dogs. We were told earlier that Pastor Ben had to book him a year in advance.
Okay, back to the seminar ... how are cats and dogs different?
A dog says : "You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me .... Conclusion : You must be God"
A cat says : "You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me ... Conclusion : I must be God"
On getting to heaven, cats have a tendency to walk away from hell as their sole focus is on themselves but dogs walk toward heaven having fallen in love with God.
On obedience school, both cats and dogs want obedience in their lives. Dogs want to obey God. Cats want God to obey them.
On quiet times, both cats and dogs have quiet times. Dogs focus on God's glory but cats focus on themselves.
On prayer, dogs pray to establish God's kingdom while cats pray to establish their own kingdom.
In our blessings, cats focus on gathering all of God's blessings in with a bucket. And once they have them, they keep them. Dogs on the other hand, gather as many blessings as they can from God and pass them on to others. They know that the blessings are means to go trough them to others.
On blessings and glory, both cats and dogs want to see God glorified and want to be blessed by God. Dogs hunger more for God's glory whereas cats hunger more for the blessings.
On worship, Dogs worship God primarily for who He is while cats worship God primarily for what He's done for them.
Why all these differences? Because Dogs study "Theology" while cats study "MEology".

So the question NOW is ... are you a cat or a dog??? You decide.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


That is an excellent synopsis of the programme we attended. Great job picking out the key thoughts.

Keep up the outstanding work.
