On a bright Saturday morning
With school holidays just around the corner
And mid-term exams almost over,
The Youths are back at the Kepayang Hill again

Climbing up Kepayang Hill is no easy task. Of course, for some who victoriously conquered Gunung Datuk, Angsi and Nuang, this hill is "sap-sap sui". For me, even after so many months, I still find it a tedious form of exercise - walking up and panting all the way. However, it's not that bad when there are youths who talk nineteen to a dozen to keep me entertained. Today was one of those fun days.

Monkeys!!! This morning, there were so many of them - about 20-30 monkeys walking up the hill. We didn't stay long enough to find out what caused them to go right to the top of the hill. Many monkeys were walking on the pathway but there was this one monkey who was walking on the electricity cable - like a watch-monkey - making sure that all of them are safe.
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