My twin recently went on an impromptu trip to Melbourne. My strict instructions were : Buy me a jacket and a good pair of hiking shoes. And she came back with these.....
A torch light! now, you might wonder why she went ALL the way there to get me something that I could easily get here. Well, this torch is special in a sense that it's not battery operated. All I had to do was to squeeze it a few times and it is charged. One minute of squeezing can last 20 minutes of light. Awesome!

Yeah, I know. Malaysia is NOT the country to wear this. I suppose one day I would get to go to the North Pole and I guess I would need all the help I can to keep me warm.
Socks!!! It seems that people like to get me socks when they go to Australia. Twin bought me FOUR pairs of socks and one pair of leggings.

Ah! The hiking shoes that I wanted. I love the colour, the shape and best of all, the soles. This pair looks pretty sturdy to me.

A pair of scissors. I love stationeries. And this pair can join my other 25 pairs as part of my collection.

A fleece jacket. I had a jacket which I bought in the US a few years ago. It was water proof and can be used on both sides. After a few trips to the dry cleaners, the "skin" of the jacket began to peel. I suspect it was because they made some kind of mistake when handling it the last time it was sent there.
Twin couldn't get what I wanted and decided that this fleece jacket would do for now.

14 packs of sugar-free chewing gums for dear hubby. About a month ago, Christina brought back 8 packs and it was finished within 2 weeks!!! So dear hubby requested for more.

Jar opener. A few weeks ago, I tried to open a "steffi's" jam bottle. I couldn't. Then I asked my hubby to open it. He couldn't. Eunice couldn't either. MCTC? Well, yeah, he was able to open it within 3 seconds! Bravo!!! Hence the above gift.

And a bag to store all my stuff.
Most, if not all of what I received were made in China but the quality was very good.
Seeng all these stuff makes me think of Christmas day, when I open my presents and discover so many good stuff. :)
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