Remember the doggie I blogged about last week?

Doggie in my neighbour's house
Right now, he's semi-permanently at my neighbour's house. He squeezed in through the vertical bars and because he's so cute, he was sort of adopted by them.
We still do feed him from time to time but we'd only do it once a day, usually it's sausage or some kind of meat. Because of that, he's kinda choosy over food. He loves meat.
Sometimes he comes over to my house. No, he can't squeeze through the metal bars of our gate. He comes in when we drive our cars in and he would run around the compound of the house, like as though he owned it.
In all these weeks, we have never heard him bark before. He was certainly a maintenence free dog - errr.... except for his expensive choice of food.
I was in the house when I heard the dog barked for the very first time. It was on a friday and a cell night. Justin, Sarah & Rebecca was at the gate and suddenly I heard the bark. I went out, saw the kids and was surprised that there were no other dogs around. Well, it seemed that dear doggie barked when he saw strangers.
Later, when more people came, he barked more. Even dear hubby was surprised that doggie barked and went out to see if it was indeed doggie that was barking. Dear hubby said that he has to train the dog to recognise cell members :-)
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