Monday, February 9, 2009

Mount Ophir, Here I Come

If any of you are reading this on Feb 9, 2009 from 8am - 6pm, please know that I am somewhere (hopefully not lost) in Mount Ophir, probably panting away and struggling to place one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.
About 30+ of us will be making this ardous climb on this day. Pray for a safe trip to and fro, an enjoyable climb, good fellowship and all to summit and come back in one piece.


Calvin Lim said...

heyhey, Calvin Lim here, found your blog. =D

looking forward to your post on G Ledang. would love to hv some of ur pics. =DD

Rachel said...

Ah! you'd have to wait a little while for my Ledang post .... too many things to write about. :)