Friday, March 27, 2009

A Different Kind of Laundry

A few weeks ago, we were having Cell Meeting when Charlene decided to hug one of my teddy bears. At different times of each year, Rajen would normally warn everyone how dusty our place is and that those who have problems with dust should not go near the pillows. I guess that goes the same for the soft toys on the sofa set. We live near the main road. Black dust tend to migrate to my house when vehicles, light and heavy, go past my house.

And so, after hugging Berry, she developed some rashes on her neck. Poor dear!

One week later, Esther suggested that I wash all my soft toys. She asked me to throw the toys into unwanted pillow cases and wash them.

A couple of days later, I went out to buy white cotton cloth and got Tusi to sew them into long sacks.
And so, one evening, I chose 4 of them to bet washed : Berry, Fat Cat, Camel and Christopher. Yep! They've all got names :)

I soaked them into a pail of water (to get rid of the initial dust) before throwing them into the white sack and into the washing machine.

I was actually feeling kinda worried about them being washed. Perhaps I read too much Enid Blyton books :)

Anyway, after two hours, I took them out and wow! they were so clean, smelt great too.

I hung them outside to dry. It was quite weird seeing them on the hangers. I even laughed at the sight!!

Now, only four of them are clean. I guess I gotta find another day to wash the rest of them.

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