Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I LOVE chocolates, especially those bitter sweet ones. Apart from that, the cadbury milk chocolate would do.

And because chololates set an allergic reaction which causes poor hubby to develop a severe headache after consuming it, he stayed as far away from MY clocolates as possible. He could eat white chocolates, though. And from the picture above, two of them are white chocolate bars, of which, I found too milky.

Everytime someone comes from Australia, chocolates seemed to be a perfect gift. And over the years (yes, YEARS!) I've been receiving high grade imported chocolates.

And while I LOVE chocolates a lot, I can't eat them all in such a short period of time. So, they are kept in the fridge until ... until I suddenly check the due date and found one or two to be expired. Yep!! I just checked and found that TWO of them are expired.

Sigh!!! Someone once told me that it was a crime to allow chocolates to be expired. But don't blame me either, too much chocolates would cause a million pimples to pop up on my face.

And so ..... here's my "collection" of chocolates waiting to be consumed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yup, it's also a sin to allow choc to sit idle in the fridge....put them in the hands (emmmm...mouth, more like it) of your great uncle norman..