Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tight Schedule

Sometimes I wonder if I do take on more than I can. Rajen seemed to think so and everytime I tell him that I am thinking of getting involved in a new ministry, he'd ask me to drop another.
I used to have 3 weeknights off every week. Not anymore.
I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. And with our cell not having any musician most of the time, I felt the need to take lessons from DY. He offered me free lessons. I chose to pay him for his time, not because he needed the money badly but because I knew that if I didn't pay for it, I might not take it seriously.
So every week, I diligently go for classes. I practise almost everyday. I made sure I did my "homework", which basically means practise! practise! and practise!
Monday is now my guitar lesson night.
Recently, I took up two interesting courses. OT Survey and World Religions. There goes my Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Which now leaves me with NO weeknight off as Wednesday and Friday nights are prayer and cell meeting nights respectively.
Saturdays & Sundays are always reserved for wedding dinners, birthday parties, etc, etc, etc
Early last week, I had to go for my guitar lesson early, just to get to the supermarket by 8.40pm for my dinner and grocery shopping. It was a mad dash in and out of the supermarket. I felt like I was in a Supermarket Sweep Competition. I ended up spending RM330 on household stuff.
Some of my friends asked me how I managed to fit everything in 24 hours.
Only two ways :-
1) Sleep less.
2) Get a twin
With work during the day and many activities during the night, I really didn't have the time to clean my house. Dear twin was kind enough to bring Tusi over for a few hours to clean my place - while I was at work. Phew!!! Otherwise the house would be in total chaos.
Dear twin is also my errand girl - post a letter, bank in money, buy stuff from town, send a cheque to this outlet, etc, etc, etc.
So for those who do not have a twin, sleep less. :)

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