Eversince I gave away (out of the gratitude and kindness of my heart!!) my hiking backpack 1.5 years ago, I've always wondered if someone would be kind enough to go to HCM, Vietnam to get me another one.
Over here in Malaysia, one backpack like this would easily cost more than RM100., and it would not be as nice as the one which was purchased in Vietnam.
Last month, JohnnyK went to Vietnam and KG asked him to buy a few backpacks. Because of luggage weight and space, Johnnny only managed to get two and KG reserved one for me :-)

This backpack is better designed than the previous one, especially the front portion. The older one had zips running from top to bottom and if I don't zip it up properly, things might fall off from the side. I think this bag has more compartments in front, and it is easier segregate the different essential stuff.

What I like especially about this backpack (and also the other one) is the wire mesh at the back which allows air to flow between the backpack and my back. I tried to find a backpack like this in Malaysia but only those super huge ones have.
.I am not sure how long this backpack can last because it only cost me less than RM40. I think it's worth buying it, even if it can last about 8-10 climbs.
.Anyone going to HCM, Vietnam, please let me know. I might want to get more backpacks like this.
i think u r slightly wrong leh...
backpack with nettings behind can only b found on smaller backpacks (10-40L). u could hardly find netting on huge backpacks (65L above)
I remember seeing those huge backpack with nettings behind - some shops in KL sell them.
i am going to get one backpack soon... very difficult to get 'peng leng jeng' backpack =(
Where will you be getting your backpack?
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