From the base of the hill, we walked towards the little town in Sg Lembing. Pasar pagi (Morning Market) greeted us near the food court.

But just prior to that, we walked past a dewan (city hall) and a primary & secondary school.

After that was a library old enough to have the word "khutub khanah" on the building. I didn't know that was the malay word for library until MCTC told me about it. The new word for it is perpustakaan.

The pasar pagi was near the food court. It was a mini one and I bought an insect killer that cost me RM60 - Minchee bargained from RM70 to RM60.

Breakfast was next on the agenda. We went back to the same place where we had a drink before the climb. This time, the proprietor was a little busy serving other customers and he didn't have time to talk to us.

Sg Lembing town area is really very "remote" and small. One could walk from one end to the other and not feel tired. A very Chinese community with simple people living quiet & simple lives.
We went to the Sg Lembing museum after breakfast. An old min
ing company (PCCL) was closed down years ago and some of the remains from it were put on display.


The museum was surprisingly well maintained and brightly lit. I would say that it did look more uplifting than the town area, because it was recently refurbished.

There were a few almost ancient office machines which were used in this place. And if you're old enough, you just might recognise some of them.
After the museum, we wanted to go to the crystal place but it was closed.

We came to a suspension bridge and crossed over to the other side. This bridge is strong enough for motorcycles to ride on.
On the other side of the bridge was a little village. Just a few provision shops and kampung houses lined near the bank of the river.
We didn't stay long there (nothing much to see) and decided to head back to Kuantan.
Hi Rachel,
Wow!!! This world is really small huh... i recalled you and your buddies. The girl on the blue shirt (with DLSR????) helped us to take picture as well...
You bumped into my blog through nuffnang?
I googled Bukit Panorama or Sg Lembing and your blog came up
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