I've just signed up for an OT Survey class yesterday, which also means that all my weekday nights (from Monday to Friday) are filled with things to do for the next 3-4 months. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Err... good because it means I get to study more of God's Word. Bad because I don't have much time for myself.
Pas. AnthonyL is really a fantastic OT lecturer. When he teaches, you can feel his enthusiasm and passion for the Word of God, which comes alive when he talks about It.
If you know me well, you'd know that I didn't grow out of my ADD-ness, which means, I can't sit still for a long period of time .... which means, I get bored easily.... which means my attention span is not more than 20-30 minutes at any given time.
This class is a 2-hour session with one 5 minute break in between. Nobody sleeps, in this class - not even a yawn or bored look.
In fact, he's so popular, his class is filled to the brim - 40 students. That's the maximum figure per class. So if any of you out there want to join this class (after reading how good a lecturer he is from this blog of mine), sorry-lah, full house!
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