We set December 18th as Cabin Cleaning Day. We had to tidy the messy cabin, brave the zillions of bacteria there and make sure that all our props are properly kept for future usage. All of us dreaded this day because we knew that by the end of it, we would be exshausted, sweaty and extremely dirty.
Thomson had to go to KL and needed Sharon to drive him back so Sharon got away with cleaning the cabin. I'm very sure she leaped for joy!!!

I managed to get Jian to come. He tried to call a few others to help but most of them had other plans. Moreover, who would want to waste their holiday on spring cleaning? I'm really glad that despite not having any "kaki", Jian came as promised. For him, the more he sweat, the better, coz that meant loosing some weight.
Lynne was supposed to come .... but she overslept (I think).
EstherT came to help during the first half of the day.

I spent some time patching all the torn papers so that I don't have to do it before the next musical. Once again, I was horrified by how those papers were torn from the stage structure. It took me a long time to patch up one piece.

These are bags of NOT rubbish, but of fibre. We had a total of 9 big garbage bags full of white stuff. Kimberly and Christopher were there for a while and they helped Jian reduce the number of bags to 4. They did a really good job of it! I was impressed.

We covered everything with newspaper to prevent lizard's droppings from contaminating the props. This is the first time we were wrapping the props and it took up most of our time. We started the whole process at 9.40am and by 2pm, we were no where near completion. In fact, we haven't even started tidying up the cabin. I was a little worried that we might not finish cleaning in time.

In the midst of my busyness, I caught sight of a few people, helping to clean the stage. FrankieY put the curtain railing back to where it belonged, PhilipY vacuumed the stage and PhilipC swept some part of the stage as well as helped carry heavy plywood into the cabin. And he actually smiled for this shot!!! This is what you call "joy in serving the Lord"

I prayed for good weather and the skies were soooo blue. It looked hot but it was windy enough for me not to feel the humidity.

I started tidying the cabin at 2.30pm. I rearranged the steel bars and wood and even took out some of the stuff which did not belong to the props dept.

......... into this?
I was wondering if we could fit sooo much stuff into an almost full cabin.

Being me, I didn't manage to make the cabin look neat, but at least, I got everything in there and there was still walking space from one end to another. Can't blame me either, cause we bought lots of props this year.
Jian, at 3pm, told me that his back was hurting. Then he tried to cheer himself up by saying that he felt like the strongest person that day - from carrying so many heavy things. Bah!! I told him that last year, we had to carry those heavy planks from the back of the church to the cabin - IN THE RAIN.
We managed to finish cleaning at 5pm. EuniceT didn't really go into the cabin, except to take pictures, because she was busy wrapping the props with newspapers. Good for her!!!
By the end of the day, I was feeling really dirty. All I wanted to do was to go back and have a loooong shower.
Well, I DID have my long shower. Too bad I didn't have dettol to clean myself of all those bacteria.

We went to pasar malam that evening. Normally we would order all sorts of food there but this time, we were too tired to think of eating. I started to feel tired when I had to wait for Eunice. Then I looked up and saw the beautiful sun rays!!!! The awesome sight cheered me up.
Well..... that's it!!! The end of the end. Christmas Musical for me, ended the day we stored everything into the cabin.
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