D day came. Was I nervous? Nah! Being involved in musicals for over 20 years (gosh!! I made me sound old) has somehow taken away those clamy hands and butterflies in my stomach.
I gues that's why this year I wanted to do lights. I started off with being in the choir/acting and gradually moving away from the limelight. Being in different sections helps take away the mundane-ness of doing the same thing over and over again.
I have to admit, doing stage and props can be fun and challenging. But if I don't allow others the opportunity to help out in this section, I can forsee myself still doing it at the ripe old age of 90. And here is a little scene in my head:-
Music starts
Lights on stage
Drama Director on the walkie : Rachel, what happened to the table that is supposed to be on stage?
Rachel : (no answer)
Someone at the backstage on the walkie : She couldn't make it out in time. Trippped over her walking stick
Err.. I got sidetracked a little...............
Coming back to yesterday's Musical..........
On Wednesday, 2 control buttons were faulty. I thought that by Friday afternoon, it would've been fixed. When I got to church at 5pm, we (Sharon and I) discovered that Hivolt did a dramatic switch to rectify the problem.

You see, for the past few practices, Sharon and I have mentally marked our individual territories. Now that they've switched my 6 controls with her 6 controls, we were suddenly so confused.

We asked them to switch back to the original arrangement to avoid disaster on our part. Thank God for KKTan and Yoong. They managed to get everything sorted out by 7.30pm. Phew!!!
We expected many people to come by 7.30pm ... but to our dismay, there were still many vacant seats. By 7.45pm, only half the church was filled. And it wasn't even raining!!!!
But when Stephany went up to the stage at 8pm to songlead, the place was filled. According to FC, more than 800 people turned up to for this Musical.
A short multimedia presentation was screened before the musical began.
When Jenny started narrating from the back, and then Jo sang. We could hear little traces of nervousness in Jo's voice, but that was quickly diminished after the 2nd line.
Larissa sounded nervous too ... but she overcame it after a few lines.
The choir sounded super soft. We wondered why and later, Steve and Danny explained that the sound system was set to the same as all our rehearsals. Seeing my puzzled look, they went on to say that the body heat of the people absorbs the surrounding sound. The choir sounded better only after we dropped the temperature on all air-conditioners. But then, Cynthia said it she was feeling very cold in front. I'm sure many other people felt cold too. Sigh!! We can't have it all, can we?
There were a few blunders which did not happen during rehearsals.
The props people forgot their scene changing time and did it during the act. And since I was controlling lights, I made sure I turned all lights off on the section that they were at. Phew!
One of the soloist's voice cracked on a high note.
Follow spotters were slightly late in switching on the yellow spot on Su-Ann.
Jenny had problems with her mic because her ear-rings were in the way.
There was feedback the moment Steve and Danny raised the volume of the mic and music - because there were comments on the walkie that the choir and music were too soft.
Later, after the musical, I heard that during the day, half the sound system was not working. Gasp! Thank God they were able to rectify the problem before the show started.
Wow! So many things happened yesterday. But overall, it was a good show and many people raised up their hands for salvation and rededication. That's all that matters!
Errr.... I would also like to say that the lights dept (ahem!! my dept) did a wonderful job :-) Congrats!
Here are some of the scenes which I managed to snap from the console area. These are the scenes where I do not have to be on the alert for light changes, and therefore able to snap some. FC called me the Japanese tourist!
Healing of the dead child
A Touch of Heaven - Healing Scene
Calling of the 12 Disciples

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