The Yeoh Clan would normally take a few days off in a year to spend time with each other (looks like they are not satisfied with seeing each other in church every Sunday!!!!). This year, ThomsonF booked a 3-bedroom bungalow in Cameron Highland and 8 people are able to sleep comfortably on the beds provided. The rest had to cart mattresses and pillows from home to sleep on the floor. Some of us stayed at Strawberry Park, which is a 15-20 minute walk to the bungalow.
In total, there were 28 of us (22 adults and 6 children) who went for this family vacation.
We started our journey at 11.15am and planned to arrive at the bungalow for tea at 5pm. We made 2 stops in total, one was at the Overhead Bridge Restaurant in Sg Buluh, where we had our lunch, and the other at the Tapah Rest Stop. At the overhead reataurant, we had Burger King. After that, Rajen gave Sze-En and me an ice-cream treat. En took TWO scoops of vanilla ice-cream and couldn't finish. I think it was because her parents were not around and suddenly she had alll the freedom to eat whatever she liked. My father ended up having to finish the ice-cream..
We took the longer but straighter route (via Simpang Pulai) and only got to the bungalow at 6.30pm.
All meals were cooked by Mr Liew, the caretaker and his wife. We had both Asian and Western food. All the meals were delicious but their dessert was not as great. There are more pastry than apple in the apple crumble. And the pineapple tart, err.... I didn't eat any because Sharon thinks it's not nice.

And don't think we went there to eat and sleep!! We exercised too!!! We went for a walk in the evening while others played tennis.
At night, we played cards, mahjong, went online (via our mobile phones) while the children either watch cartoon on TV or played "Pick-up sticks".
On the 2nd day, some of us took the children out for horse riding, but to our great disapointment, we were told that they no longer allow visitors to ride on the horses. We went to Kasimanis, a strawberry farm, where the children had ice-cream.

On the second night, it got a little chilly and we got Mr Liew to burn firewood at the fire place. By then, Jaden was feeling a little ill while the rest of the children were making lots of noise, screaming and running around the bungalow.

There were so many lovely flowers around the bungalow and I figured that if I can't take them back without risking their "health", I might as well take pictures of them.

After checking out on the 3rd day, we went to Ye Olde Smoke House for lunch. Rajen, MCTC and I were late because we asked for a late check out. The rest checked out earlier and went to a souvenir shop before going to the Smoke House.
Upon arrival, A.Chris told us that someone was a little rude to them. They were mingling around at the entrance of the restaurant when this lady told them sternly that the place was only for her personal guests. Feeling offended, A.Chris told her that they were there for lunch. The lady immediately said, "Oh" and walked off. I think it's because she saw their very "che kai" dressing and assumed they were just there to admire her lodge.
Later, A.Chris related this incident to Rajen, expecting him to do something about it (err.. write about, etc) but instead, he introduced himself to this lady called Nancy, and introduced all of us to her. I think he completely charmed her until she gave him a slice of bread with marmalade!!! Only for him!

We placed our orders and walked around the lovely garden, taking pictures while waiting for lunch to be prepared.

Uncle Norman, Aunty Lily and my mum didn't eat. I only had mushroom soup and dessert. We were going to take the shorter but more winding route and I didn't want to aggravate my stomach.
Rajen had lamb and surprisingly, he finished everything.
We only left for home at 3.40pm. We stopped at Tapah rest area at 5.30pm. Uncle Norman, Aunty Lily, my mum and I were feeling a little hungry by then and we had malay food!!! I had nasi lemak tambah sambal! Yummy!
Our next stop was at the overhead bridge in Sg. Buluh. MCTC was supposed to join us but he missed the stop.
We only got back home at 9.30pm - so late!!!
1 comment:
The Aunties and Uncles played MahJong on Bedsheets???!!?
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