We had our last practice for CM2008 yesterday. Feeling great after having our lights meeting two days ago, we were pretty confident of our respective tasks.
First thing we noticed when Stephany went up to the stage to do a mock songleading was - some of the parcans flickered the moment we switched them on. Uh oh!

We discovered that two of the control buttons which controlled 4 parcans, were faulty and sometimes the lights didn't even come on. At first, we didn't know which ones were faulty. We started testing out each control button. Aunty Chris who didn't know what was happening, asked via the walkie talkie if we were supposed to flicker the lights at that time. We gave her a brief explanation.
During the musical, I found that I couldn't concentrate much simply because of that 2 spoilt control buttons. I kept thinking that I should light "that" part up but couldn't. It was really frustrating.
Also, Yoong wasn't around to control the moving heads. That meant that certain scenes will be even darker. Cynthia and Aunty Chris thought that we actually forgot to light up those scenes.

Then came the cross scene. All went well until the soldiers tried to lift Jeremy, who was on the cross, up. "Crack!" Something broke!!! Oh no! The cross broke!!! First thing on my mind was "Oh no! I didn't take any leave for contingencies such as this".
So right after the musical, I rushed to the cross to see what snapped. Almost immediately, Alexis came over and "phew!" I was thinking, there's my "cross-broken" solver. In an instance, the discussion was focused on when it will be fixed and how it will be done. My only worry is that the cross needed to be painted! Argh!!!
I thought of my poor parents, whom I will call upon to help me out. Thank God for parents who are willing to help me with my props, cooking for the "labourers" and other last minute stuff.
So, yeah,... whatever could go wrong, WENT WRONG YESTERDAY. I thank God that we still have time to rectify them.
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