Our final night came and went. Phew!!! After months of practices and preparation, it's finally over. I'm now breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Hmm... what do I think of the 3rd night?
Everyone looked so relaxed when they came at 4pm. Some came so late. One, in particular was still strutting around in shorts and t-shirt, showing peace signs at 7.30pm!!!!
Lav was still complaining that the choir wasn't properly lit up. We had to show her how brightly lit they were. I think she was satisfied after that.
We (the backstage/lights/etc) people were telling the cast and choir not to be so relaxed and to stay focused on the event. Their reply? "It's normally 1 bad night and 2 good nights. The bad night was on Friday, so today would be good". Wah! Such confidence.
Well, they were right. They did exceptionally well!!!!
Many people turned up. Some had to go to the overflow room. One family gave up their seats for other people and they were asked to go to the chapel! Agapeans were told to make space for visitors.
In total, we had 111 decisions where 68 of them turned their lifes over to Jesus. Praise the Lord!
More pictures ..........

Angels in heaven

Three Kings

Temptation Scene

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus, weeping for Jerusalem
Su-Ann singing at the Last Supper scene. Not sure what is happening here. Two spotlights on her. Two different colours. One higher, one lower. Not sure why.
At the graden of Gethsemane


Err...Spot 1 (the designated spot) was a bit slow to fire, so Spot 2 decided to fire regardless (remember Night 1 when no spot fired on Jesus after He came out of the tomb...); but Spot 2 did not know the colour had been changed from Yellow to White...
As for the different heights, this was due to both spotlights being mounted at different levels and also the angle of view...
Hmm... I remember seeing the white spot first, then suddenly, the yellow one came on ... then conversation over the walkie talkie started.
Thanks for the explanation :)
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