There's this home decor place in KL which sells great stuff - from ribbons to interior home decor to gardening, you name it... anything to do with the home decor, they have it. The three of us signed up as members a few years back. One of the "benefits" of being one is that we'd get discount vouchers on our birthday month and it will be valid for more than a month.
Each of us would get a 50% discount voucher for one item and 20% discount voucher for 10 items.

Last year, I got this three tier metal thingy (without the pink flowers, of course). I was quite fascinated with the very fact that I'm buying it "New" but it looked rusty and worn out. I think after my 50% discount, it cost me about RM164.00.
This year, I used up both my and MinChee's 50% discount voucher for two things to complement my three tier thingy:-

A flower pot holder (without the flower pot and plant), which cost RM106 after discount

and a plate cart thingy which cost RM224 after discount
Yeah, yeah. I know. I must've been out of my mind to pay so much for two rusty and old things but hey! I love them. Right now, the flower pot holder is at my parents' place (temporarily). The three tier thingy is also at my mum's place. I haven't decided where to put the plate cart thingy yet.

I also bought some crystal-like decor for this year's "White Christmas" theme. Even with the 20% discount, each cost about RM3.10

Both Eunice and I saw this authentic looking clock which we gave into temptation after some contemplation. It cost us RM23.90 after discount. I think mine is a little faulty. Hmm.... must get my dad (jack of all trades ....) to fix it.

These square plates were going at 50% discount. We did what we naturally would do - Grab them.
After spending so much, we went to Sogo. I didn't dare spend much in there. Thank God for "No Sale"

Lau Yat was our last destination. I bought ink (RM123 in total), one 4G thumb drive for myself (RM25 - CHEAP!!!), 3 2G thumb drives for my company (each costing RM17.50) 50 blank CDs and 50 blank DVDs. Can't remember how much all came to but I know I spent a lot!
Till now, I don't dare calculate how much I spent. I keep telling myself that I am using the money that I received for my Christmas present and I calmed myself down saying that I did save up the other 50-60% of what I received.
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