We ALWAYS (ever since 1988) have our reunion dinner at U. Beng's house on CNY eve. Everyone brings a dish. Err... everyone meaning the "older" adults. The younger adults would sometimes (ha! depends on our mood, actually) prepare or buy desserts.

We have a variety of food laid on the table. Each year, it's slightly different.

But one thing's for certain, we always have lettuce and a cooked turnip dish. Mum's side is Hokkien and this dish is a specialty. We have it every CNY.

The correct way to eat this is to place the turnip onto the lettuce, fold it and eat it.
Yee Sang is also another dish that we normally have during CNY. I don't really like the taste but most of them like it.
It was also mum's actual birthday. We bought her a cake and sang her a birthday song.
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