It was Bernard's turn to bring food but he was at a BM tuition which he hoped would be changed to Thursdays in the coming weeks. I think everybody's thoughts went to "Pizza Hut" for that was what we'd normally order when there was no food on the table. But this time, Rajen felt like eating a Big Mac. Prior to 8.15pm (our unofficial stating time), I asked all of them to order their food and I wrote them down. Then I went somewhere quiet to place the order. Here was what happened:-
Me : Can I order one Big Mac ....
He : Next (a little too harsh)
Me : What?
He : Next order
Me : Oh .. err... 2 Mc Chicken ........... (and I rattled on until I finished the whole order)
He : Next. Me : That's all....ummm .. how long will it take? He : 2 hours
Me : TWO hours (I exclaimed)
He : Yeah. For orders more than RM120, it's considered a big order. And therefore, it will take two hours for us to deliver to your place
Me : What about if it's less than RM120
He : It will take about 45 minutes
Me : How much is the total?
He : RM122
Me : Then, can you cancel one fries so that it would be less than RM120
He : Cancel everything? Me : No, just cancel one fries He : You only want one fries?
Me : (Exasperated) No, just cancel ONE fries
He : It is still over RM120
Me : What will the charge be?
He : RM123 Me : I thought just now you said RM122
He : That is inclusive of RM3 transport charges
Me: Oh. Then can you take out one fries and one curly fries?
He : Ok
Me : How much would that be?
Phew! It was so difficult just placing an order. When I sat down at my place, I remembered that I didn't take Tusi's order yet. Also, Christine came late. So what I did was to call McDonald's again. This time, my order only came up to RM30. So what happened was that only 1/2 an hour after I placed my first order, the delivery service came. And later, the same person came again for my second order. He asked if I were giving tuition classes or not!!!
Me : Can I order one Big Mac ....
He : Next (a little too harsh)
Me : What?
He : Next order
Me : Oh .. err... 2 Mc Chicken ........... (and I rattled on until I finished the whole order)
He : Next. Me : That's all....ummm .. how long will it take? He : 2 hours
Me : TWO hours (I exclaimed)
He : Yeah. For orders more than RM120, it's considered a big order. And therefore, it will take two hours for us to deliver to your place
Me : What about if it's less than RM120
He : It will take about 45 minutes
Me : How much is the total?
He : RM122
Me : Then, can you cancel one fries so that it would be less than RM120
He : Cancel everything? Me : No, just cancel one fries He : You only want one fries?
Me : (Exasperated) No, just cancel ONE fries
He : It is still over RM120
Me : What will the charge be?
He : RM123 Me : I thought just now you said RM122
He : That is inclusive of RM3 transport charges
Me: Oh. Then can you take out one fries and one curly fries?
He : Ok
Me : How much would that be?
Phew! It was so difficult just placing an order. When I sat down at my place, I remembered that I didn't take Tusi's order yet. Also, Christine came late. So what I did was to call McDonald's again. This time, my order only came up to RM30. So what happened was that only 1/2 an hour after I placed my first order, the delivery service came. And later, the same person came again for my second order. He asked if I were giving tuition classes or not!!!

Justin, Sara and Rebecca needed to be home early so we had our food time in the middle of our lesson - at 9.30pm. I think we took about 25 minutes to finish everything. And then we continued with our lesson until 10.30pm.
17 people turned up for Cell. PTL
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