Someone bought firecrackers and lit it. This used to be a norm in almost every Chinese household until it was "banned" because a lot of people burned their fingers while lighting it.
Eunice and I went to KL a week ago and bought this shirt for Dad for CNY. When Dad saw Jaden, both realised that they were wearing the same shirt.
picture curtesy of Eric H
It was 5.30pm! And you know what I forgot? I forgot all about the solar eclipse!!! Garrgh!! My friend Eric told me about last week and I really wanted to see it. Hmmm... funny that I don't seem to realise that it was a little dark when I was out at the parking lot. Eric said that it would take place at 5.30pm Malaysian time!
Anyway, we left Tesco, picked up Esther and my mum (who found out about our plans and wanted to tag along) and went to the Seremban GH. There were a few parking spaces - which is a miracle because sometimes it takes an hour just to find a spot. Eunice told me that it was a public holiday and visiting hours are more flexible.
Yee Sang is also another dish that we normally have during CNY. I don't really like the taste but most of them like it.
It was also mum's actual birthday. We bought her a cake and sang her a birthday song.
Can you read a 450 page book in less than 5 hours? Of course you can. That is, if you are stationed at a place with nothing else for entertainment except the TV (which I don't watch) and an iphone.
My mother-in-law was admitted into Columbia Hospital yesterday. Her unhealed wound on her left leg was infested with hundreds of maggots (yucky) and was bleeding a few days ago. Trust her NOT to tell us about her being in pain until Viji saw the spots of blood on the bedroom floor.
So, there I was, keeping my mother-in-law company at the hospital after her surgery, with nothing much to do. So what I started out to do was to key in some of the contact numbers into my iphone (ever since I got my iphone, I didn't have time to do the transfer) but soon, I was feeling a little bored and started on a new book which I brought with me : "You've Been Warned" by James Patterson & Howard Roughan.
Let me tell you something - Patterson's books normally sets me to the edge. It's difficult to put it down once I start reading it. I won't say that I am addicted to it, but he has this way of creating so much suspense, you just want to get to the end of the plot.
Actually, I know I shouldn't be reading these kind of books because it involves lots of psychotic people and mass murders and weird stuff. This book in particular, talks about her meeting people who has been dead for years. It's really spooky!! I woke up at 4am last night and got spooked by it!!!
Both En and Brian suggested Pizza Hut for dinner. No surprises there. It's either Pizza Hut or MacDonald's. We ordered a mushroom soup, a jug of Pepsi, one large Stuffed Crust Chicken Supreme, one medium Beef Pizza (forgot the name), some cheese sticks and criss-cross potatoes. We are all small eaters. Six adults and 2 children and we couldn't finish everything!
After dinner, En and Esther had to rush back because En has another 3 homework which she has to finish. Pity! Pity! Her life revolves a lot around church, school, extra activities and homework.
A CD/DVD shelf from Jusco (without the CDs/DVDs of course). Hubby's two other CD shelves are full and we needed one more for his overflowing CDs.
Hubby reads a lot of "serious, heavy duty" stuff - and by that I mean reading materials which look like text books.
I bought him this comic in hopes that he would take some time to relax and laugh. Err... even after days, the wrapper is still there. I don't think this comic would be read sometime soon.
Hubby loves Asterix. I know that he already has so many in his collection but he definitely doesn't have this omnibus version (I checked with Esther).